In a move to tighten scrutiny of domestic Indian solar cell and module-manufacturing companies, the Centre has ordered them, via a notification on Wednesday (August 7) to upload details of their annual imports and exports, as well as the location of their manufacturing facilities on two online portals.
Through this approach, companies are self-certifying themselves as users and makers of indigenous solar cell components though they will be appraised by the National Institute of Solar Energy, an autonomous body of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
Earlier this year, the government has announced a ₹75,000 crore programme, called the PM Surya Ghat Muft Bijli Yojna, to provide 300 units of free solar electricity to one crore households. A condition for availing benefits under the scheme, however, is that the components used are from Indian solar manufacturers. Other clean energy schemes of the…