Actress Payal Rajput has started blogging. She says she has started the initiative to better connect with her fans. “My best friend Saurabh Dhingra started #TheBackpackervlog and pushed me to start writing. The idea took hold since I have been travelling extensively of late,” shares the actress.
Noting that most blogs show only the luxurious side of tourist spots, Payal says “I wanted to also write about budget hotels and less expensive to help them just backpack and explore the world at minimum cost. And the response has been great.”
The RX100 actress says her fans have been asking her to describe her daily routine when not shooting. She feels through blogging she can get closer to them. “Being an actor, naturally the audience would love to know more about my personal space. So, by blogging I can express myself and tell them that I am a normal girl,” explains the Disco Raja star.
Talking about the way travelling has influenced her, Payal says, “I believe…