A daughter of Dubai’s powerful ruler who tried to flee the country in 2018 only to be detained by commandos in a boat off India has re-emerged in new videos published Tuesday, saying she doesn’t know if she’s going to survive this situation. The videos released by the BBC show Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum at a jail villa, apparently located in the skyscraper-studded city-state in the United Arab Emirates. Her father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, also serves as the prime minister and vice president in the hereditarily ruled UAE.
I’m a hostage, the sheikha says in one video. “This villa has been converted into jail. I can’t even go outside to get any fresh air, she also said.
The government’s Dubai Media Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press. In 2018, the AP reported how a friend and an ex-French spy helped Sheikha Latifa escape by boat, only to be captured off India.
The BBC said Sheikha Latifa recorded the videos in…