Do ghosts exist? Around the world, there are endless studies and discussions on this subject. Simply put, ghosts are lifeless beings that inspire fear. Sometimes they are the spirit of someone who was once alive. Other times, they simply fall beyond the physical rules of the universe. These uncanny beings have found mention in primeval epics like the Ramayana or Mahabharata; Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible; The Egyptian Book of the Dead; the Iliad; and the Odyssey, among others.
Ghost lore has been part of the popular imagination. Around the fifth century BCE, a physical projection of ghosts was staged in the classical Greek drama Oresteia by Aeschylus. During the European Renaissance, a book called Of Ghostes and Spirites, Walking by Night by Ludwig Lavater was said to have been reprinted several times. The mythical One Thousand and One Nights also includes tales of supernatural beings.
Later, around 1173 CE, the Dracula called Count Estruch became very popular and terrifying. According…