Earlier today, Varun posted some adorable selfies with his wife Natasha and their new pup which they have named Joey. Later, he deleted the post and took to his story and posted the selfies there. Varun shared the post with the caption, “JOEY Puppy power.”
While Varun wore a pink polo t-shirt, Natasha donned a plain white tee. The couple looked happy while playing with their bundle of joy.
In the now-deleted post, netizens had commented about how they think their pup’s name was inspired by the character ‘Joey’ in the famous Sit-com ‘Friends’
A few days back Varun posted an adorable video of his new pup. He captioned it as ‘FATHERHOOD Still haven’t been able to name my boy. Help me out’.
Netizens were all in awe of the cute video and suggested several names for the new addition to their family.
For the unversed, Varun Dhawan tied the knot with long time girlfriend Natasha Dalal on January 24, 2021. Natasha is Varun’s childhood…