After meeting PM Modi in New Delhi, the West Bengal CM also demanded a Supreme Court monitored probe into the Pegasus issue
A united Opposition against the BJP ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections is a given, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said minutes after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi here on Tuesday. She has also demanded a judicial probe into the Pegasus cyber attack.
Ms. Banerjee is in the Capital for her first visit in two years after winning the West Bengal Assembly elections for a third time. During her five-day visit, she will be meeting a host of Opposition leaders. Buoyed by their victory especially in the face of a resurgent BJP, Ms. Banerjee’s meetings with the Opposition parties is being seen as a definitive sign that the TMC wants to play a larger role in national politics.
“Opposition unity will automatically happen,” Ms. Banerjee said. Asked if she will lead such a consortium of Opposition parties she said, “India will lead and we…