The Band Baaja Baaraat brat is now older by a decade. Ranveer Singh, arguably the most energetic actor in Bollywood today, says the Maneesh Sharma film was perhaps the biggest milestone in his career. “When I got selected for my first film, it was a moment that is simply unforgettable. I get goose bumps when I think about it even now. For somebody from my kind of background to get such a big break was beyond my wildest imagination. It’s been a journey of learning, growing and evolving as a creative person, a performer and a public figure,” he says.
“With every passing year and with every film I have learnt something more about the craft, more about myself and tried to keep bettering myself and improving my set of skills,” says the actor, who has completed 10 years in the industry, says. “With every film and through every character, I hope to explore my own being a little bit more. Hopefully somewhere along the way, in the course of…