Covid-19 pandemic has helped everyone to evolve and left an imprint on their lives in different ways, Delhi High Court Judge Hima Kohli Monday said.
Justice Kohli was speaking at her farewell from the Delhi High Court on her elevation as Chief Justice of Telangana High Court.
The Delhi High Court, which has been functioning through video conferencing since March last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, conducted a virtual farewell for its senior judge.
Delhi High Court Chief Justice D N Patel, other judges and lawyers bid farewell to 61-year-old Justice Kohli, who became judge in May 2006 and will be the first woman Chief Justice of Telangana High Court.
Justice Kohli described the Covid-19 pandemic as a testing time and thanked Justice Patel for his valuable guidance and support.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has helped each one of us to evolve in every manner and to realise how we have complicated our lives and how it can be simplified. It has also brought us closer to our…