Keeping Up With The Kardashians reality show star Kim Kardashian and rap musician Kanye West are said to be ending their six-year-old marriage. The couple have been living apart for the past several months and Kim showed off a ringless finger in her latest Instagram selfie, adding fuel to the fire. According to multiple news reports Kanye has been living at his ranch in Wyoming while Kim celebrated the holidays with their four children at the couple’s California home. An anonymous source close to Kim told CNN, “They have been in marriage counseling and have discussed divorce, it’s on the table.” While another source told the media outlet, “Divorce is something that has been discussed off and on for the past year but Kim has not wanted to move forward on that. There is no drama or contentious relationship. They are amicable and fully aligned when it comes to the kids.”
According to E! News Kardashian, who has stuck by Kanye through the years and during his…