Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Thursday said that some individuals may have side effects after they are administered the coronavirus vaccine, as the country gears up to undertake the mammoth task of inoculating its citizens from January 16. This includes mild fever, pain at injection site and bodyache, he said.
The minister, however, assured that there was nothing out of ordinary about it as the effects would be temporary and similar to the ones experienced while getting other vaccines.
“After being administered Covid-19 vaccine, some individuals may have side effects like mild fever, pain at injection site and bodyache,” he wrote on Twitter. “This is similar to the side effects that occur post some other vaccines. These are expected to go away on their own after some time.”
Vardhan also clarified that there is no scientific evidence to suggest the vaccine could cause infertility in men or women. “Kindly do not pay heed to such rumours or information…