Avoiding RISK is RISKY!! – BasuNivesh

As a human, we scare to take the risk (majority). Especially when it comes to investment, our main idea of investment is to generate the best return with the least possible risk. But sometimes avoiding risk is RISKY!! How it can be? Let us discuss this concept in today’s post.

When I am sharing this post, my idea is neither to highlight that you must take risks nor completely avoid them. Without taking risks, innovation would end, as would fun, and courage would belong to the past. At the same time, I am not saying that one must take a BLIND risk like blind jumping or complete denial of possible falls in our investment.

Avoiding RISK is RISKY!!

In the book “Risk Savvy – How to make good decisions”, author Gerd Gigerenzer shared this wonderful event that happened post 9/11 terrorist attack.

“Let us turn the clock back to December 2001. Imagine you live in New York and want to travel to Washington. Would you fly or drive?

We know that after the…

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