Fintech firm BharatPe said it has closed one of the highest growth quarters for the company, having doubled up on the last quarter (Q4 of FY22) by facilitating over Rs 3,600 crore in loans in the first quarter of FY23. In the process it posted a growth of 112 per cent over the last quarter. BharatPe said it also hit $18.5 billion in annualised TPV (total payment volume)–a growth of 50 per cent over Q4FY22.
“The pandemic has provided the much-needed tailwinds for the growth of digital payments and lending in the country,” said Suhail Sameer, CEO, BharatPe.
The company facilitated disbursals to over 120,000 merchants in Q1FY23, up from 66,000 merchants in the last quarter of FY22. The top merchant categories for loans included grocery, food & beverages, roadside kiosks, street vendors and retail outlets. BharatPe’s other product offerings,…