The newest Honda H’ness CB350 will soon see a new rival in the Royal Enfield Meteor 350 tomorrow. Here we have compared the dimensions, specifications, and features of the two newest retro roadsters/cruisers in town.
Honda dropped a brand new motorcycle last month in the H’ness CB350 and it has already been received very positively. This neo-retro roadster brings a touch of modernity to the segment of old-school roadsters in our country. That includes the likes of the Royal Enfield Classic 350, the Jawa Classic and the Benelli Imperiale 400. There’s however another new Royal Enfield launching tomorrow and that truly will be the CB350’s main rival. The RE Meteor 350 is no secret and even before its launch, most details have been leaked on the internet. So here we are going to comparing the Honda H’ness CB350 vs Royal Enfield Meteor 350.