When it comes to investing, we always try to look for COMPLEXITY than SIMPLICITY. Because we are always in doubt that such a simple strategy works or not. We have a strong inclination that COMPLEXITY always works. Because it is designed by so-called experts. Let me share with you the idea of how to beat a Nobel Prize Portfolio easily 🙂

I love this book called “Risk Savvy” written by Gerd Gigerenzer. Because it is full of how we as humans understand the risk and behave when it comes to managing the risk. Hence, you might notice that I have quoted the contents of this book in the past also.
How to beat a Nobel Prize Portfolio?
As I pointed above, simplicity is the best form of investment strategy one can adopt. However, we look for complexity. Especially if we have to invest more, we don’t want simplicity but a complex strategy to manage our money. Investing in 2-3 funds may looks risky but not investing 20-30 funds. Because we fell more secure.
In this…