Joe Biden tours Pfizer vaccine plant as weather delays 6 million shots

President toured a state-of-the art vaccine plant Saturday as extreme winter weather across broad swaths of the US handed his vaccination campaign its first major setback, delaying shipment of about 6 million doses.

The disruptions caused by frigid temperatures, snow and ice left the White House and states scrambling to make up lost ground as three days’ worth of vaccine shipments were temporarily delayed. The president’s trip to see Pfizer’s largest plant had been pushed back a day due to a storm affecting the nation’s capital.

At the Michigan plant, Biden walked through an area called the freezer farm, which houses some 350 ultra-cold freezers, each capable of storing 360,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine. Double-masked, the president stopped to talk with some of the workers, but it was difficult for reporters on the trip to hear what was said.

Earlier in the day, White…

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