Quantum Mutual Fund launching India’s first Nifty 50 ETF Fund Of Fund (FoF) claiming as a new kind of product. As Index funds are gaining popularity among Indians, should you invest in Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund NFO?

We all know that Index Funds are gaining popularity among Indians. Mainly because of clear definitions of funds based on SEBI Recategorization, consistent underperformance of major active funds, low cost, and simplicity.
Mutual Fund companies trying their encash this trend by launching one-by-one Index Funds. However, is it worth considering all these Index Funds just because the tagline is INDEX FUND?
Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund NFO – Should you invest?
I am a staunch believer in index funds. However, at the same time, I am deadly against the gimmick these mutual fund companies create in us by encashing our mood. The classic example is Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund NFO. The reasons are as below.
# Cost –
They have…