Rs 3.5 Lacs to Rs 400 Cr – Naturals Ice-cream Journey of 40 yrs!

You must have surely had an ice cream at Naturals!

But have you taken any inspiration from its story for your own financial journey?

Today I want to give tribute to Mr. Kamath for building Naturals Ice Cream and share some interesting numbers and their overall journey of building a Rs 400 Cr brand. This story can surely help you learn about long-term compounding and apply some of it in your own wealth-creation journey!

How Naturals grew to 400 Cr branch in 40 yrs!

A Friday night of 17th May 2024 – as I was sitting to watch a nice movie with Natura’s Mango ice cream tub in my hand, my phone’s notification beeped. 

The notification was of Mr Raghunandan Kamath, founder of Naturals ice cream, passing away!

A man who failed 3 times in 10th standard, with no money of his own, takes a loan of Rs 3.5 lakhs from his brothers as first investment and goes on to create a Rs 400 crore ice cream brand!

As an investor, here’s how you should study this company. 

Suppose you have Rs 10 lakhs, at what stage would you invest your…

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