In Sep-2020, SEBI has changed the rules for multicap mutual fund asset allocation that created confusion for investors. SEBI has now introduced another category of funds, i.e. Flexi-cap mutual funds. Flexi-cap mutual funds would invest at least 65% in equity segment and the balance in debt and other instruments. What are flexi-cap mutual funds? How should you interpret these Flexi-cap mutual funds? How mutual fund houses might play with this Flexi cap mutual fund category in coming weeks? What should a multicap fund investor do now?
Also Read: Union MF launches Hybrid Equity Fund – Should you invest?
About Flexi-cap mutual funds category
SEBI has given the green signal to introduce Flexi-cap mutual fund category now.
Flexicap mutual funds are open ended mutual fund schemes that would invest at least 65% in equity instruments and balance of up to 35% in debt and other…