Sovereign Gold Bond Returns ★ How Much You Can Expect? ★ – Personal Finance Investment Ideas

Sovereign Gold Bond has been quite popular investment from its launch. One question I often get asked about sovereign gold bond returns. As with most investments, the answer depends on when you invested, your holding period among other things. The post covers the topic in details.

Sovereign Gold Bond Returns – Issues till Date

The Sovereign Gold Bond was proposed in Budget 2015 and the first issue was opened for subscription in November 2015. From thereon there has been more than 50 issues now. The table below gives the dates, the issue price along with other details.

S. No. Year NSE Symbol Name Issue Date Issue Price Online Price Interest Early Redemption Date Date of Redemption
1 2015-16 SGBNOV23 Sovereign Gold Bonds-2015-Series-I 30-Nov-15 2,684 2,684 2.75% 30-Nov-20 30-Nov-23
2 2015-16 SGBFEB24 Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-Series-I 08-Feb-16 2,600 2,600 2.75% 08-Feb-21 08-Feb-24
3 2015-16 SGBMAR24 Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-Series-II 29-Mar-16 2,916 2,916 2.75% 29-Mar-21 29-Mar-24
4 2016-17 SGBAUG24 Sovereign…
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