Vaccine milestone as global Covid jabs pass number of confirmed cases

The number of Covid-19 vaccinations globally has surpassed the total number of confirmed cases, a landmark moment that underscores progress made in taming the pandemic despite mounting concern about the threat of new variants.

According to the Financial Times vaccine tracker, the total number of doses administered climbed to 105m late on Wednesday while the number of confirmed cases was 103.5m.

While vaccination rates are accelerating rapidly, the rise in cases of Covid-19 is slowing, although that is due to measures other than vaccines because they have not yet affected transmission in most places.

The figures are incomplete due to the fragmented nature of reporting — and the real number of infections is likely to be many times higher than the total verified by diagnostic tests.

But Michael Head, global health research fellow at Southampton university, said: “The fact that we have so many vaccines is a huge good news story which has been fed to us in bits and…

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