Why exiting ULIP right after the lock-In period is not a good idea?

Why exiting ULIP right after the lock-In period is not a good idea?

Many think low cost ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans) are one of the most popular life insurance products. ULIPs are inherently market-linked financial instruments that allow you to invest in a variety of equities and debt funds – based on your financial risk appetite. At the same time, you and your family receive comprehensive life insurance coverage under the ULIP plan, so that you remain protected from life’s uncertainties at all times. These ULIPs have a lock-in period and many feel that once opted they want to exit after the lock-in period. If you have invested in such low cost ULIPs and thinking whether you want to exit after lock-in period or continue for the long term, this article can provide some tips.

Also Read: Key things to know about ULIPs

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