Anushka Shetty, celebrated as one of the most captivating actresses in the industry, is known for her compelling performances that leave a lasting impact. With a stellar reputation in Tamil and Telugu cinema, she is now poised to mark her debut in Malayalam with the upcoming horror film “Kathanar- The Wild Sorcerer.”
While speculations had been rife about Anushka’s involvement in the fantasy flick “Kathanar- The Wild Sorcerer,” recent updates have confirmed her participation in the project, marking her entry into Malayalam cinema under the direction of Rojin Thomas.
Director Rojin Thomas shared glimpses from the sets of “Kathanar” on March 11, expressing his delight at collaborating with the talented Anushka Shetty. The images, featuring Anushka adorned with a warm smile and holding an idol of Lord Krishna, garnered immense attention from fans, who eagerly anticipate her role in the film.
Excitement soared among fans as they flooded Rojin’s social media with messages of anticipation…