Biting Into The Forbidden Fruit With Delhi Based Electronic Music Producer Dolorblind’s EP

It is that time of the year, when everything seems merry and despondent all at once. At one end there are people who are celebrating the end of the year and all the great things that happened with it (okay, maybe 2020 is an exception). On the other end are people who cannot reconcile with the fact that yet ANOTHER year is over and the world is falling apart. It is times like these that make us ever so grateful for music. On days when the world seems to be stuck in the dystopic binary realities, music helps us inhabit the power of in-between.

One such EP that was released in November and is inhabiting a new meaning to full force during these festive month, is Rohan Sinha aka Dolorblind’s EP, Forbidden Fruit. It is the perfect soundrack to days spent reading or in reflection on the year that has gone by, as we prepare to step into yet another year. Toeing the line between genres, but mostly taking up the space that is ambient music, Dolorblind cements his promising future…

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