#CDBabySelects Shantanu Gursal aka Smg’s Peppy Electronic Music

Shantanu Gursal aka Smg is a Mumbai-based producer who made his debut earlier this year. With a debut single called ‘Walk’ already well received by listeners, Smg released his second single ‘One Dance’ on 30th October. A glitchy, upbeat pop production, the song bears a testament to Smg’s ability to create peppy numbers that are endearing yet pack a punch.

Shantanu believes that Indian music has a lot to offer to electronic music as a whole. On his latest track he collaborated with Frntflw, an electronic music duo, and Atteev, a bedroom pop and R&B singer-songwriter/producer. ‘One Dance’ is a love story which sets during the end of the world in the first half of the 21st century and travels to a dystopian post-apocalyptic future world made by the people from the above. It is a time travel love story about a couple who died but saved each other by reviving their love in the utopian future-city. On being asked why he makes music, Shantanu says “I make music to…

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