Converting space images into audio can improve trust, accessibility among visually-impaired: Study

New Delhi, Mar 26 (PTI) Translating images captured by telescopes into sounds has been found to improve trust and access among visually-impaired persons, along with promoting awareness about accessibility, according to a new research in the US.

The research found that such translations of the visual to the audio, or sonification, helped people access and engage with the Universe.

Astronomical telescopes, such as NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the James Webb Space Telescope, capture light coming from various cosmic sources like stars and galaxies in the form of X-rays and infrared, both invisible to the human eye.

These different kinds of light are transmitted to Earth in digital form — ones and zeroes — and then converted into varied formats, including plots, spectra and images.

NASA’s Universe of Sound data sonification program translates the visual data of images of objects in space into sound signals or sonified data. Images produced by all of the US space…

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