As a musician it is often difficult to box yourself in a genre or even an art form. Music exists everywhere – from the song of the birds and the flowing water, to that blasting from the speakers in the club. Critics have through ages endeavoured to box artists irrespective of their talent but as the world moves away from the binaries of good or bad, musicians are finding spaces to fill that are more liminal.
One such artist on the underground electronic music is Chinmay aka disector. If you come across his EP Delirium, you might be tempted to box him into a box that signifies a break core artist. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Of his introduction to music he says, “From a young age, my father’s hobby of singing and the tones on his Yamaha keyboard had the greatest influence on my understanding of music and sound. When I was 2, he recorded my voice on tape, which I then grew up to hear and was always curious to know how audio recordings induce such…