Diversify your playlist with these latest tracks – The Indian Music Diaries

Every few weeks there are so many singles released by both, renowned musicians as well as new ones, that it can be difficult to keep up. Hence, we, at The Indian Music Diaries are compiling a list of the best new singles released which you should definitely check out!

1. 2020: A Shitshow by Aditya Kaushik

Aditya Kaushik, a Delhi-based singer-songwriter released his latest single 2020: A Shitshow. This 10- minute experimental track comprises of just news clippings from around the world which headlined this year. The duration of the track challenges the attention span of the audience in the age of short video format content. This DIY track pushes the orthodox style of music to a new experimental, unique level with just socio-political news clippings. Aditya has curated and arranged the news clippings in a way to create satire towards certain issues as well.

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