Erectile Dysfunction isn’t a medical problem to be undermined, people may deem it irrelevant until they encounter it but that doesn’t mean there’s no solution for it. For most medical problems, taking precautions throughout your life is the way to go, but for one as unexpected and fragile as Erectile Dysfunction, there’s only so much you can do to be on the safe side.
It’s a problem that is known to affect over 15% of men in the world and is projected to affect over 25% of men by 2025. These statistics may not seem concerning but we can assure you, they are. There can be tons of physical or mental causes for erectile dysfunction, which we’ll disclose soon. What you need to know now is that you shouldn’t worry about contracting erectile dysfunction as there are clinically proven treatments available everywhere.
The causes for erectile dysfunction are:
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Anxiety or Stress
- Mental health problems
- Use of drugs or Tobacco
- Damage or other problems…