Female Guitarists Who Are Making A Difference In The Country’s Music Scene

Back when blues guitarist Aayushi Karnik was induced into Fender India’s roster of endorsed artists nearly a decade ago, it was the peak moment for female representation in a male-dominated arena to thrive with all its colours. But since then, the disparity between the ratio of male to women guitarists in the Indian music scene has only seemed to expand, with the former influencing the guitar-music space more than its counterpart.

If I tried to analyze and pick apart why this posits to be such a talking point, it would take me another big essay to jot it all down. But today we are focusing solely on women guitarists of the country who are paving the way for others like them to follow in their footsteps. These women have consistently made sure to remind everyone that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, if you’ve got the skills you’re just as good as anyone else playing that particular instrument.

Although the number of women guitarists in the…

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