GAME to introduce measures to prevent PS5 scalpers

UK retailer GAME has promised to introduce measures against scalpers.

PlayStation 5 consoles have been increasingly difficult to purchase, and the problem has been exacerbated by the prevalence of scalpers using bots to secure pre-orders before regular customers can. GAME’s entire allotment sold out in under 10 minutes.

As reported originally by VGC, a social media account for a scalping network known as Carnage has claimed that it managed to successfully process 2000 purchases from GAME on January 19.

The Twitter account for Carnage is now locked ,after a backlash against the posts containing the claims. Carnage usually deals with limited edition toys, figures and Disney products, but the limited stock and high resale value of the PlayStation 5 as seen them target the next-gen console too.

In a statement sent to VGC, a GAME spokesperson wrote: “PlayStation 5s continue to be in very high demand and that demand far outweighs current supply. We have strong measures in place…

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