Here’s What You Can Do If Your Salary Is Delayed or Not Credited

Chetna Singh (38) has been an employee of a garment manufacturing unit in Coimbatore for over five years now. Since the beginning of 2020 there were delays in her salary getting credited and since August 2020, she received no salary for four months. Despite taking it internally she did not get any relief and that is when she decided to look up the legal recourse that was available to her.

What can you do if your employer refuses to pay your salary or delays the payment infinitely? While this is most painful, unfortunately, it is not an uncommon occurrence. Fortunately, there are legal remedies available to you to address this issue. In this article, we will take you through what your rights are in case this happens to you, as an employee.

But before going the legal route, as a practical matter, do communicate with your employer, in writing. If your salary is delayed, ask for their explanations first. If you have gone through the step of internal communication with no fruitful…

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