IndieMusicFilmFest Opens Entries For Its 1st Edition- Calls Entries From All Filmmakers

The inaugural IndieMusicFilmFest (IMFF) 2021 celebrates visual storytelling in music and is open to filmmakers across India who have made films on musicians and their ecosystems. Brought to you by The Indian Music Diaries and Instrupad, we’re looking to work with music filmmakers across different cities throughout the country and are looking at this film fest as a way to engage and open a dialogue with them on their film-making pursuits. We welcome filmmakers to submit films in all forms – short films, music videos, animated videos which center Independent musicians and their creations.

We encourage you to submit WIP concepts also which explore the potential of delving deeper into your subject. Entries can be submitted till February 28, 2021 via this Google form. The film can be of any duration.

How to Register?

Entries can be submitted till February 28, 2021 via this Google form. The film can be of…

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