Jessie J left temporarily deaf and unable to walk properly from Ménière’s disease

Jessie J was admitted to hospital on Christmas Eve after Ménière’s disease left her temporarily deaf in one ear and unable to walk properly.

Ménière’s disease is a condition that affects the inner ear and can cause vertigo, hearing loss and nausea.

The pop star – whose real name is Jessica Cornish – shared her experience with her fans on Instagram. She told them on her Story that she had been “completely deaf in my right ear” and not able to walk in a straight line.

“It could be way worse, it is what it is,” she said. “I’m super grateful for my health. It just threw me off. On Christmas Eve I was in the ear hospital going, ‘What is going on?’”

She described her hearing as “sound[ing] like there’s someone trying to run out of my ear” when she sang loudly, and “like someone crawled in and turned a hairdryer on”.

Cornish added that she had been prescribed medication to treat the condition and that she was “feeling a lot…

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