“Despite not finishing high school, Gurmet Angmo possesses incredible intellect and aptitude. For Ladakh, she can be a real asset.”
Gurmet Angmo was 11 years old when she first saw a light bulb on a trip to Leh. Living in the Ladakhi countryside, she recalls how their entire day centred around sunlight, which grew shorter during the winter months. After coming back from school, she would run back to help her parents on the farm. Once work on the farm was done, she rushed back home to finish her homework and help with cooking dinner before sunset.
Once it got dark, parents wouldn’t allow any of their children to step out because that’s when wild animals like snow leopards, Ibex, bharals and the Tibetan wolves would move around.
She remembers seeing that light bulb and thinking about the endless possibilities it presented for her remote village of Sumda Chenmo in the picturesque yet remote Markha Valley. Could fellow villagers now overcome the darkness that draws…