Maharashtra Farmer Grows 130 Tonnes of Sugarcane Per Acre, While Conserving Water

Amar Patil from Sangli, Maharashtra started experimenting with his farming techniques to increase his sugarcane yield but instead found a way to save water as well

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For the past five years, Amar Patil has been adorned with multiple awards like Vasantrao Naik award, Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushi Ratna, Manushyabal Vikas Lokseva Academy and four more for his farming achievements. This fifth-generation sugarcane grower has achieved ‘record yield’ each year on his sugarcane farm by adopting scientific methods that not only increase his produce but also conserve water.

In eight years of experimenting with different techniques that he himself researched on, the 39-year-old Amar from Sangli district, which is also known as a ‘sugar belt’, in Maharashtra yields 130 tonnes of sugarcane from just one acre of farmland.

With the sugarcane farmers here being accused of ‘wasteful water usage’, Amar tells The Better India how his switch to…

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