Meet The Expert Who Revived Up To 5000 Lead-Acid Batteries From Telangana To Ladakh

Lead-acid batteries have been used in off-grid energy systems, such as solar energy systems, for decades. Just as how power banks store energy to charge your mobile phone, lead-acid batteries act as a power source for renewable energy.

Several reports suggest that the lead-acid battery market in India will grow to 8.31% by 2024. One of the reasons owing to this growth is the renewable energy sector because the energy generated is stored in a battery system. Another sector that uses a large number of batteries is the telecom sector which has up to 24 batteries attached to one network tower.

Yogendra Kainthola—an expert in the field of solar energy and battery systems and the founder of SunTerrain Eco Power Ltd in Thane—noticed one major set back.

“The lifespan of these lead-acid batteries in the market are low. They usually come with a one-year warranty but after a few months of usage, their performance reduces. When the user takes their batteries for servicing, most sellers…

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