Sidd Coutto Dedicates Magnificently Composed EP To His Girlfriend, Plans To Release 12 EPs This Year

Siddharth Coutto (Sidd Coutto), the renowned multi-instrumentalist and one of the few musicians who has seen the indie music scene grow right from the beginning to the present, is back again with a bang. Over his musical career spanning 25 years, Coutto has played a whole range of instruments from the guitar to drums, and performed all over the country with many different bands. He has composed and produced music for diverse fields such as advertising, films/TV and online streaming platforms. He has sung and composed music for well-known indie bands such as the alt-rock band Zero (where he was a drummer), Helga’s Fun Castle and Tough on Tobacco (where he was the lead vocalist).  His solo performances consist of live looping, with him beatboxing and layering multiple instruments and sounds. He is also well known for creating songs on-the-spot, based on topics suggested by the audience. Currently, Sidd is a multi instrumentalist with renowned bands such as Ankur & The Ghalat…

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