Superfoods That You Need For Healthy Hair –

Our appearances are a reflection of what’s inside our bodies. The secret to having a healthy mane, that stays the same in the long term is a diet rich in all the right nutrients. While spending big bucks on fancy shampoos and conditioners might sound like the right path to take, let’s not forget that there’s only so much they can do. The right superfoods will work from inside out to give your locks that oomph that you long for.

Here’s a list of food that is sure to bring your hair back to life, so don’t wait any longer, it’s time to go raid your kitchen, fridge, or the nearest grocery store!

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in all the right nutrients needed for a better looking mane. They also help in collagen production, which is necessary for hair to be stronger and less likely to break. They are also packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which basically implies you’re going to have the best hair for days!

2. Guava

This tropical fruit is loaded with…

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