We Are In Space & Time Witnessing A Technology Led Human Revolution. –

Jenny Sarang is a role model for Shammi Pant as a Coach and they used to often joke, wish we could create millions of Jenny when they worked together in GE. It’s been remarkable technology advancement since then, and today with new-age technology like Artificial Intelligence, Shammi and Jenny formed an AI-based Coaching Company and have created copies of Jenny to coach users on Verbal and Written Communications Skills. They aptly named their venture ‘myJen AI’ and launched services in October last year, today it offers, one of its kind real-time Communication Coaching on their applications uSpeek and kWurd.


In conversation with Jenny Sarang and Shammi Pant, Co-Founders of ‘myJen AI’ 

How do you come together to start your venture myJen.AI and what’s been your inspiration?

 Jenny and I worked together at GE years back. We went our separate ways but kept in touch. Having a lot of respect for Jenny’s coaching…

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