What Lies at the Heart of Procrastination? –

By: Karishma Joshi

If you’ve heard of the legendary tale where a witch who would do the rounds in a village at night and on reading the sign on every door, “Oh Witch, Come Tomorrow”, she’d put off her murder spree for later and scurry back home, you might sit thinking to yourself, She’s clearly avoiding her task. How lazy is that.

Mind you, you don’t have the right to call her lazy because procrastination is not always related to lethargy. Give the poor lady a break.

The word, “Procrastination” is derived from the Latin word, “Procrastinates”, which means pushing a task a day ahead. It’s like staring at your word processor screen and watching the cursor blink blink blink, followed by a gush of anxious emotions gnawing your innards and making you feel uneasy. I’m not even worth being called a writer. I don’t know what to write about. Why don’t I get ideas?

Am I dumb? Yes, the way you’re going, you probably are.

 When a difficult job presents…

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