Why I Had a Heart Attack at 33, Despite Exercise & Healthy Eating Habits

A major blockage in one of the main arteries resulted in 33-year-old Ram having a heart attack. Are you taking adequate care of yourself?


I had a heart attack on 16 December 2019, when I was 33 years old. This is definitely not an age that one usually associates with heart attacks. I am Ram and through this article, I am going to tell you what it was like when I had a heart attack.

As an infrastructure sector professional, I work with an MNC and have been posted in central India for the last five years. I often get asked if my job is stressful. After the heart attack, I have spent large amounts of time trying to understand whether or not I would call my work stressful. I am in a typical corporate job and with that comes a certain amount of stress, but personally I would not attribute much to it.

2019 – A Different Year For Me

A week prior to Ram’s heart attack.

It was…

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