2020 US Census And Presidential Elections: Will Sikh Americans Find Better Representation And Effect Political Change?

‘Sikhs Must Register To Vote, Irrespective Of Political Alliances’

In celebration of democracy, the fourth Tuesday of every September is US’s National Voter registration day. On 22 September, in a massive countrywide push before the upcoming elections, mainstream outreach organisations, companies, celebrities, sports stars, politicians and volunteers helped spread the word about registering to vote, and aimed to reach many who might not register otherwise. In the same spirit, as mentioned on their website, the not-for-profit Sikh Coalition announced 20 September as National Sikh Voter Registration Day. From 26 September to 17 October, more than 500 sevadaars aim to reach 25,000 Sikhs in 9 key states.

The ‘Sikh Americans for Biden’ campaign has also been unfolding on social media, recently.  The first Sikh to be permitted to wear a turban in the US Army – since the Reagan…

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