oi-Briti Roy Barman
New Delhi, Jan 16: As India is ready to kick off the biggest vaccination drive, Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said that 80 per cent of Indians are ready to take coronavirus vaccines, quoting the survey figures of Edelman PR’s Trust Barometer Survey 2021.

According to the survey carried out in 28 countries, Indians have shown the maximum amount of trust in the coronavirus vaccines. India is followed by the UK (66 per cent), Germany (62 per cent), the US (59 per cent) and Russia (40 per cent).
The union minister tweeted this at a time when there have been some raised concerns about coronavirus vaccination in India claiming that the vaccines in India are less effective than the ones being given in other countries.
#CovidVaccination में पीछे नहीं रहना चाहते भारतीय!
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