A man lives in isolation, oblivious of the pandemic. Then he goes out

Govindan had always loved solitude.

He loved waking up and lingering in bed by himself; gargling leisurely after brushing his teeth; sitting on the toilet seat and flying Dream Airlines while ejecting stale memories out of his mind’s airplane; he enjoyed eating alone, deliberating on each morsel of food as it coursed through his body; walking long stretches; thinking; being a speck in the crowd; being alone in the office, drafting letters on paper almost as if he were planting paddy seeds; losing himself in steady sleep…oh, Govindan embraced all the many different ways he could be alone.

If he were asked to choose between solitude and great honour, he would choose solitude every time and walk away before the question could be completed.

Govindan was a creature of moderation, even during his time in service. Always careful about his budget, he owned only two pairs of…

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