Abhishek Bachchan had the sweetest birthday wish for his niece Navya Naveli Nanda on Sunday evening. Navya, born to Abhishek‘s sister Shweta Bachchan Nanda and businessman Nikhil Nanda, turned 23-year-old on December 6.
“Happy birthday beautiful,” wrote Abhishek as his Instagram story. The actor also shared the hashtag #favourite along with the image.
In the image, Navya could be seen smiling while staring at a distance. She was seated in a restaurant in a black full-sleeve top. With minimalistic make-up, Navya had left her hair unkempt for the photo.
See it here:
An Instagram celeb, Navya recently spoke about dealing with anxiety. She was heard talking about it on Aara Health’s Insatgram page.
“I feel like I hit rock bottom multiple times and I just couldn’t figure out why. I was like okay, obviously something has to change, I need to talk about it. I think it helped coming to that conclusion. Now once a week I am in that routine and I don’t think I am even…