Actor Adhyayan Suman, who is the son of Shekhar Suman, recently revealed that his 14 films were shelved and he was removed from big projects at the last minute. Now, in a recent interview, the actor revealed the reason for the same.
According to the Hindustan Times report, Adhyayan said that he never did any wrong to anyone in the industry but “the bullying and lobbying could be the result of revenge that people are taking from my father Shekhar Suman”. He added, “I did not get a lot of films because of a show that my father did — Movers and Shakers. Though he was given a script for every episode, there were a few people who got offended because of what he said and held grudges that ‘Shekhar ne humaare baare mein kaise baat kari (Shehkhar talked about us)’. There were neither any personal attacks nor he used any abusive language. He just did his job and it was just a show. But their egos were very fragile perhaps, and they took it personally. And thought ki iska…