After Riots, Donald Trump Leaves Office With Under 40% Approval

On 6 January, pro-Trump rioters stormed Congress as it met to certify Biden’s Electoral College victory. The rioters were clearly influenced by Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. Despite the riots and the courts’ of Trump’s claims, two state certifications were contested: Pennsylvania, which and Arizona (Biden won by 0.3 percent).

Just 64 House Republicans opposed the objection, so of those who cast a yes/no vote on objecting to Pennsylvania, 68 percent supported the objection. Democrats were unanimously opposed.

It is not just Trump or the rioters, but also these Republicans in Congress who objected to the certifications on baseless election fraud claims who deserve to be condemned for anti-democratic behaviour.

I had two articles for The Poll Bludger about Georgia and the anti-democratic nuttiness of Trump and Republicans. The first was a , while the second was a on the Georgia results and the events in Congress the next day.

In response to the riots, on 13 January…

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