On Thursday, Anurag Kashyap was seen arriving at Versova police station in Mumbai after was summoned in #MeToo allegations by Payal Ghosh. While making his way towards the police station, the filmmaker-actor was seen carrying a few documents in his hand. Along with Anurag, his lawyer was also seen arriving at the police station. The FIR was registered against him on September 22, 2020, while he was summoned to appear on October 1.
Earlier while talking to ANI, Payal had accused Anurag of sexual misconduct. She had said, “Five years ago I met Anurag Kashyap regarding work. He called me to his house. When I went there, he took me to a separate room and tried to sexually assault me. He forced himself on me. I request the authorities to kindly take action and let the country see the demon behind this creative guy. I am aware that it can harm me and my security is at risk. I…