Are Students Stressed and Alienated at IIT-Madras?

Some students claim there aren’t enough support systems for them.

Many students who joined the college during COVID times attended online classes for the first two years and reached the campus on in their third year – a high-pressure academic year that is very important for internship placements. Lacking good interpersonal relationships with friends and effective mentorship from senior students, many students have felt clueless on campus as they struggled with their courses.

Neetesh Meena, a student representative at IIT Madras, said, “A faculty advisor is assigned for every 20 students. If they carefully pay attention to students’ grades and discuss their performances and ways to improve them, it could help them clear backlogs and thus ease out academic pressure among students and save a lot of lives. While there are avenues to ask for help, they are not functioning effectively, and students feel helpless at adverse times.”

In Sreesai’s case, not all of his backlogs are due to…

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