As An Indian In An International School, Here’s What I Learnt About Racism And Elitism

What The International Schooling System Urgently Needs

Growing up, I believed myself to be at the bottom of the ‘pecking order’ due to my ethnicity, thanks to comments I’ve overheard like “she’s pretty but I wouldn’t date her because she’s a bit too dark”. This deeply ingrained colourism and creation of a hierarchy based on origin, racial heritage also extends to economic class — this is, after all, a school for those who can afford its exorbitant fees.

Somehow it became implicitly understood that their word and behaviour were Gospel, an archetype everyone must squeeze themselves into.

What can we do differently? Well, to start with, be transparent. Be transparent about hiring processes, about why the teacher (racial) population in the school is distributed the way it is. Acknowledging, would be the next step.

Notice that there are changes happening to the world around you; racial structures and hegemonies that need to be acknowledged and taught. Introduce colonial…

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